Jugoslavija 1964, kako su nas tada vidjeli Amerikanci!
Yugoslavia on Kodachrome
Film traje 26 minuta, a dio koji se odnosi na Mostar nalazi se izmedju 4:55 i 5:35 minute…
na slici: Stari most sa skelom, rekonstrukcija 1964…
(Upozorenje: zbog surovih scena diktature i progona neduznih gradjana i nedostatka demokracije, film se ne preporucuje djeci mladjoj od 16 godina! Poruka sa facebooka!)
Je li to Grčka? Ne. Je li to francuska rivijera? Ne. Je li to Turska? Austrija? Švicarska? Rim? Ne, sve je to Jugoslavija”. To su riječi kojima počinje 26-minutni film koji je 1964. godine snimila američka avio kompanija Pan Am kako bi privukla goste u ove krajeve.
“Jugoslavija je bila jedina istočna evropska zemlja u koju je Pan Am letio za vrijeme Hladnog rata, što je bio pokazatelj koliko je ona bila važna u to vrijeme. Pan American World Airways bila je najveća američka internacionalna zrakoplovna kompanija od 1927. do 1991. godine”, stoji u opisu videa “Pan Am leti u Jugoslaviju”, koji je prije nekoliko dana osvanuo na Vimeu, a potom i na YouTubeu.
Pogledajte kako je SFRJ izgledala prije gotovo 50 godina i to iz američke perspektive.
Veröffentlicht am 27.05.2013
Wings to Yugoslavia – a rare Kodachrome film for Pan Am Airways, 1964
More on: http://mycentury.tv/balkani
Yugoslavia was the only Communist-controlled country in today's Eastern Europe Pan Am flew to during the Cold War — showing how important the country was at that time.
A cultural icon of the XX Century, Pan American World Airways, or Pan Am, was the largest international air carrier in the US from 1927 until its collapse its 1991.
Pan-Am is remembered by many for its routes to divided Berlin – Tempelhof and Tegel.
Did you fly on Pan Am to Yugoslavia or West Berlin? Did you visit Yugoslavia's Adriatic coast, or perhaps Ohrid?
Share your memories. Here or on http://mycentury.tv
Converted from 16 mm film.
All rights to use purchased.
More on: http://mycentury.tv/balkani
Yugoslavia was the only Communist-controlled country in today's Eastern Europe Pan Am flew to during the Cold War — showing how important the country was at that time.
A cultural icon of the XX Century, Pan American World Airways, or Pan Am, was the largest international air carrier in the US from 1927 until its collapse its 1991.
Pan-Am is remembered by many for its routes to divided Berlin – Tempelhof and Tegel.
Did you fly on Pan Am to Yugoslavia or West Berlin? Did you visit Yugoslavia's Adriatic coast, or perhaps Ohrid?
Share your memories. Here or on http://mycentury.tv
Converted from 16 mm film.
All rights to use purchased.